Monday, May 28, 2012

Special Progress

At the beginning of our journey I remember comparing my son's development to the development of other children around me. I was at a little play class and noticed a much younger boy playing with a toy telephone. He was having a pretend conversation and I remember thinking how we were nowhere near that type of pretend play. That was how we would measure progress. We knew the range of normal and between comparing to the charts and comparing to other kids, we were always glaringly aware of our delays.

Today on this Memorial day morning, my amazing boy who makes progress every single day, came over to me for a little snuggle session. He happened to be holding a red block when he came over so we turned the block into glasses, a hat, a shoe and then HE wanted it to be a "mouth and teeth." After a few minutes he was chatting with his dad on his pretend red phone and saying hi to his Mammy!

As if that wasn't enough goodness for today, he then went upstairs to where his daddy was sleeping and told him "I want lunch." He didn't actually want lunch but I had just told him we were going on my sister's boat at lunch time and he is so excited so wants it to be lunch time now! I would say that was pretty amazing.

Love watching this boy do his thing!


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