Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What a Team Means in Our World

I had a reflective moment today and it was regarding the type of Developmental Pediatrician we went to back when our now 5 year old was only 15 months old, and how if he had been any different than he was, who knows how our path would have unfolded. He was supportive and positive from our very first meeting and I truly believe that he helped shape the course for us because of this outlook. We happen to be optimists so I think that even if he had been a downer, we would have resisted following that lead because of the type of people we are. Having said that though, the early intervention journey is a draining one at times so the more positive and optimistic people you have on your team, the better. As we started meeting therapists and forming our team we made sure to keep people with similar attitudes with us. Now after 3.5 years we have formed an unbelievable team full of supportive and hopeful members who care so completely for our son. His teacher for the past 3 years has done so much more than I will ever be able to thank her for and just today when she had to go to bat for us yet again, she did it without giving it a second thought. As always she got the exact result we wanted. Each therapist we have works so hard every week to help our son progress and they are as excited as we are when they see the results of all of these efforts. We are so beyond lucky to have the team that we have and not a day goes by that we don't appreciate each and every member!

Go Team!



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