The field trip itself was not actually the highlight of the day. We went with all of his general education peers and one of the boys that was there was part of the buddy program and I had been wanting to meet him. My son's teachers have told me about this particular boy and that he asks to be with my son and enjoys his company. Last week was his birthday and even though he celebrated with his class, he made sure to send a goodie bag with my boys name on it, home with him in his backpack. When I hear about special children I instantly want to meet their parents because while parents aren't responsible for everything their kids do and say, kindness is taught and absorbed starting at birth.
I'm always torn with this whole being nice to my son thing because everyone should be kind all the time and simply accepting and embracing a special needs person should not be reward worthy. Still, making someone feel comfortable and included when they otherwise might not feel that way, is really such a kind act and I wanted to make sure this family knew how much their actions mean to my family. I was excited when Nash's teacher told me who the boy was and I was even more excited when I realized his mother had come along on the field trip. I went over to her and tapped her on her shoulder and told her that I wanted her to know that her son is very special and that she is doing a great job. She welled up a little and thanked me and it was really a nice little moment. The kindness and open-mindedness that she has shared with her young son will not only be with him throughout his life but it will be with the people who he touches in his lifetime.
I knew the fire station would be a fun experience but I did not know that it would include a wonderful moment of thanks and gratitude.